Youth - Only one
There's a thousand ways to tell you what's weighin' on my mind
On this heart shaped rock at lover's peak above the city lights
I take off my jacket, put it around you and watch you close your eyes
Your hand feels so warm like your breath on my face
These words that I have been holdin' back
Have found the perfect time and place
There's only one, wish I make each time I see a falling star
There's only one, place I wanna be and that is where you are
There's only one, man in this world who can love you like I do
You know we only get one life, and I wanna spend mine with you
Through the silence all I hear is one dry autumn leaf
Falling like my careful heart, then landing at your feet
I clear my nervous throat, sit here and hope and pray where this will lead
Once in every lifetime someone comes along
I guess I'm trying to say that someone's you, and I know where I belong
There's only one, thing that's missin' that will make my life complete
There's only one, time with all my heart I've known what's meant to be
There's only one, man in this world who can love you like I do
You know we only get one life, and I wanna spend mine with you
It feels like more than just the moon is shinin' down on us
And the tears in your smile say you love me as much
There's only one kiss I long to feel my lips at night
There's only one body that I want to hold until I die
There's only one soul I've ever really felt connected to
You know we only get one life and I wanna spend mine with you
There's only one, wish I can make each time I see a falling star
There's only one, place I wanna be and that is where you are
There's only one, man in this world who can love you like I do
You know we only get one life
And I wanna spend mine with you, there's only one
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Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Misiaqu
czytano: 1654 razy
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