Youth - I should have listened
When you told me you needed a little time on your own
I kinda lied and said I'd be alright all alone
My friends said hey man what can you do
Let her see what's missing and she'll come back to you
They all said it was for the best
But I knew as I watched you leave
I should've listened to me, and gotten down on my knees
I heard the words in my heart, don't tear us apart
Come back baby please
I should've swallowed my pride, I should've broke down and cried
I was the one who knew that you and I were meant to be
I should've listened to me
Call it intuition, an instinctual feeling
When you know you bet it all and your gonna lose everything
That's what I had when you walked out the door
And as each day passes I'm feeling it more and more
Now that I'm hear it's all so clear
How could I have made you see
I should've listened to me, and gotten down on my knees
I heard the words in my heart, don't tear us apart
Come back baby please
I should've swallowed my pride, I should've broke down and cried
I was the one who knew that you and I were meant to be
I should've listened
I should've listened to me, and gotten down on my knees
I heard the words in my heart, don't tear us apart
Come back baby please
I should've swallowed my pride, I should've broke down and cried
I was the one who knew that you and I were meant to be
I should've listened to me
I should've listened to me
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Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Misiaqu
czytano: 1513 razy
Fragment na dzis:
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Wieki całe Zbawiciela czekali
A gdy ów się już narodził
czym prędzej go ukrzyżowali, psychopaci
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a ołtarza
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W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
ne baranki, błędni rycerze
czynią posty, odmawiają pacierze
że aż czasem czuję swąd
z inkwizycyjnych stosów
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
Pobożne baranki, b....