Youth - Ain't it
There's something funny 'bout the two of us
We never fight, ah we never fuss
We just can't get enough if you get my drift
Yeah from what I've heard about love, this ain't it
I make you laugh and you make me smile
We stay together and go in style
Things get a little bit wild everytime we kiss
So from what I've heard about love, this ain't it
Cuz love can break your heart I've heard
Drive you to drinkin' crazy or worse
Talk about trouble, love is at the top of the list
But girl you know we fit like a glove
We're side by side when push comes to shove
From what I've heard about love, this ain't it
I've seen it in the movies, read it in the books
Hearts goin' under everywhere you look
Fire's burning out, but baby me and you
We're the exception to the rule
Cuz love can break your heart I've heard
Drive you to drinkin' crazy or worse
Talk about trouble, love is at the top of the list
But girl you know we fit like a glove
We're side by side when push comes to shove
From what I've heard about love, this ain't it
Yeah from what I've heard about love, this ain't it yeah
Yeah from what I've heard about love
No from what I've heard about love
Yeah from what I've heard about love no no this ain't it
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dodał: Misiaqu
czytano: 1647 razy
Fragment na dzis:
Pidżama Porno : Ulice jak stygmaty
Wieki całe Zbawiciela czekali
A gdy ów się już narodził
czym prędzej go ukrzyżowali, psychopaci
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a ołtarza
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W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
ne baranki, błędni rycerze
czynią posty, odmawiają pacierze
że aż czasem czuję swąd
z inkwizycyjnych stosów
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
Pobożne baranki, b....