There's a certain girl I've been in love with a long, long time.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
I can't reveal her name until I've got her.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
Well, I've tried to get her time and time again.
We just end up as nothing but friends.
And there's a certain girl I've been in love with a long, long time.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
Well, there's a certain chick I've been sweet on since I met her.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
I can't repeat her name until I get her.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
Well one day, I'm gonna wake up and say,
"I'll do anything just to be your slave."
And there's a certain girl I've been in love with a long, long time.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
Well, I've tried to get her time and time again.
We just end up as nothing but friends.
And there's a certain girl I've been in love with a long, long time.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
There's a certain chick I've been sweet on since I found her.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
I can't reveal her name until I get her.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
Well now one day, get her time and time again.
We just end up as nothing but friends.
And there's a certain girl I've been in love with a long, long time.
(What's her name?) I can't tell you. (No!)
I can't tell you. (No!)
I can't tell you. (No!)
I can't tell you.
Wszelkie prawa do prezentowanych tekstów posiadają ich autorzy.
Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Misiaqu
czytano: 1643 razy
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