Nine Days - Down with the ship
Well it's been past four years since we went down in flames
In the mouth of the lion's den
While we held our heads
We held our breath
And one by one we lost our only friends
We traveled in fast company and kept up with the pace
But that's no guarantee that we could ever win this race
We don't ask for much
Just a little to get by
Enough to keep us grounded while the rest are getting high
And while we play hard, while we keep it real
Search for water in this desert, we don't have to steal
We'll go down with the ship
The captain's of our destiny
We'll get on our way
With the wind against our backs
We'll go down with the ship
Before we hand it over
Said over and over
We don't have much longer before we say goodbye
They'll be time enough tomorrow to look me in the eye
While we play hard, while we keep it real
Search for water in this desert we don't have to steal
Those days are long gone over
And just a word to the wise
Cuz if I never reach the end I sure have enjoyed the ride
We travel in fast company to keep up with this pace
There's one thing that I guarantee is that we'll win this race
We'll go down with the ship
The captain's of our destiny
We'll get on our way
With the wind against our backs
We'll go down with the ship
Before we hand it over
Said over and over and over and over
We'll go down with the ship
The captain's of our destiny
We'll get on our way
With the wind against our backs
We'll go down with the ship
Before we hand it over
I said over and over
Down with the ship
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Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: mik
czytano: 1692 razy
Fragment na dzis:
Pidżama Porno : Ulice jak stygmaty
Wieki całe Zbawiciela czekali
A gdy ów się już narodził
czym prędzej go ukrzyżowali, psychopaci
kopiący groby waszej wiary
kopiący groby waszej wiary
Klerykalna zaraza jest wytworem szatana
Tak jak podłość i nienawiść dookoł-
a ołtarza
Piętno krzyża przypisane dla każdego
W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
ne baranki, błędni rycerze
czynią posty, odmawiają pacierze
że aż czasem czuję swąd
z inkwizycyjnych stosów
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
Pobożne baranki, b....