Who do you think I am
Baby I'm your man
I'm the back you lean on when you need a friend
Now I see that I'm
Blackened by a lie
It's just imagination I'll tell you why
When you call on the phone
Late at night no-one's home
Ain't enough to justify
Your boyfriend's got a creepin' eye
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I could make a story like that
And now who would you believe
Your friends or me now baby
Don't believe the trash
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I would never play it like that
And I'm hoping you decide that girl I'm right now baby
Don't believe the trash
So many reasons why
You should know that I'd
Never go behind you and make you cry
Don't you throw this man
Who gives you all he can
Just because your friends trash trust in a man
When you call on the phone
Late at night no-one's home
Ain't enough to justify
Your boyfriend's got a creepin' eye
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I could make a story like that
And now who would you believe
Your friends or me now baby
Don't believe the trash
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I would never play it like that
And I'm hoping you decide that girl I'm right now baby
Don't believe the trash
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I could make a story like that
And now who would you believe
Your friends or me now baby
Don't believe the trash
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I would never play it like that
And I'm hoping you decide that girl I'm right now baby
Don't believe the trash
Now I realise all the questions in your eyes
Every word you ever heard
Every lie that made you cry
Can't you see the good in me
Just give me one more try
Baby I would never do that
I just want to get it back
Baby don't believe the trash they're telling you
Baby don't believe a lie
Cause I would never make you cry
Baby don't believe the trash they're telling you
(don't believe it oh no)
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I could make a story like that
And now who would you believe
Your friends or me now baby
Don't believe the trash
Baby don't believe the trash they tell you
Cause I would never play it like that
(Cause I, I could never play it like that, no no)
And I'm hoping you decide that girl I'm right now baby
Don't believe the trash
Wszelkie prawa do prezentowanych tekstów posiadają ich autorzy.
Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: mik
czytano: 1709 razy
Fragment na dzis:
Pidżama Porno : Ulice jak stygmaty
Wieki całe Zbawiciela czekali
A gdy ów się już narodził
czym prędzej go ukrzyżowali, psychopaci
kopiący groby waszej wiary
kopiący groby waszej wiary
Klerykalna zaraza jest wytworem szatana
Tak jak podłość i nienawiść dookoł-
a ołtarza
Piętno krzyża przypisane dla każdego
W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
ne baranki, błędni rycerze
czynią posty, odmawiają pacierze
że aż czasem czuję swąd
z inkwizycyjnych stosów
My tutaj tacy słabi
Tacy jak ci, co go krzyżowali
Świeci, kaci, ich ofiary
A w kwestii wiary
Pobożne baranki, b....