Heaven 17 - Snake and two people
There is a snake with the evil
In the Garden of Eden
There is a tree with the apple
And the apple was eaten
Now the trouble has started
In the Garden of Eden
But there is only two people
And it's evil believing
Where did Adam go ?
And how was Eve to know ?
This is how it all started
In the Garden of Eden
Now what does it matter,
That the apple was eaten ?
What does it matter,
That the people were leaving ?
Let me tell you the truth now
About the trouble and (?)
(?) deceiving
Where did Adam go ?
And how was Eve to know ?
This is how it all started
In the Garden of Eden
Where's that snake ?
I fell down on my knees
And I searched through the trees
Oh, I need some assistance
Can you hear from that distance
So I set up my (?)
Can I dance with your daughter ?
He said: '(?) you want, son, but I don't think you (?) her'
Where did Adam go ?
And how was Eve to know ?
This is how it all started
In the Garden of Eden
Where did Adam go ?
And how was Eve to know ?
There is a snake with the evil
In the Garden of Eden
Where did Adam go ?
And how was Eve to know ?
This is how it all started
In the Garden of Eden
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dodał: mik
czytano: 1679 razy
Fragment na dzis:
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a ołtarza
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ne baranki, błędni rycerze
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że aż czasem czuję swąd
z inkwizycyjnych stosów
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Pobożne baranki, b....