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Teksty piosenek
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Wino,wina, sklep winiarski - najlepsze wina według winiarskich przewodników.


Celine Dion - Love By Another Name

Somewhere past midnight
When the moment is just right
We ride the streets of desire
We take it slow and
Always get where we're goin'
'Cause where there's smoke there's a fire

There's no denying
We don't need to keep trying
Let's face the music and dance

Well it's all semantic
What we never say
But what we feel ain't goin' away . . .

So I wonder - how could we be feeling
More than this
Tell me true
What it is, 'cause

Something has to make us feel this way
Love by another name
Doesn't matter 'cause it's still the same love
Won't depend on the words we say
Love by another name
Something happens when we're making love

Si ce n'est pas l'amour
Qu'est-ce que c'est?

We're superstitious
When every day is like Christmas
It should be left undisturbed
No promise spoken
Hearts don't have to get broken
More than a four letter word

If we're just pretending
We can write a new ending
If we don't like where it leads

Well it's new romantic
Action over words
The sweetest nothings that I've heard

I can't tell you everything I'm feeling
More than this
Do you know
What it is, 'cause

I know that I can't describe
What I'm feeling inside
Maybe I'll learn
I guess I live with the fear
This could all disappear
If I try to put in words

Wszelkie prawa do prezentowanych tekstów posiadają ich autorzy. Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Administrator
czytano: 172 razy

Fragment na dzis:

Marilyn Manson : Apple of Sodom

I found the center of fruit is late,
It is the center of truth today,
Cut the apple in two,
Oh, I pray it isn't true,
I found the center of fruit is late,
Is the center of truth today,
I cut the apple in two,
Oh, I pray it isn't true-
I've got something you can never eat,
I've got something you can never eat,
I've got something you can never eat,
I've got something you can never eat,
I drained my heart and burn my soul,
I trimmed the cord to stop my growth
I pra-
y to die in space,
to cover me in snow,
to cover me in snow,
cover me in snow,
I'm dying, I hope you're dying too,
cover me in snow,
I'm dying, I hope you're dying too,
I'm dying, I hope you're dying too,
I'm dying, I hope y....

www.exito.pl - teksty i słowa piosenek, song lyrics

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