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Celine Dion - All the blues are written for you

"I woke up this morning baby,
The blues was pouring out of me"
Cent fois ces mots je les ai dits
Ces mots que d'autres avaient é??rits
De toute ma voix, de toute mon é??e
"With all the soul that I can"
Le blues comme on me l'a appris
"I woke up this morning baby"
Mais ce matin lâ???????n, j'ai compris

"I woke up this morning baby,
The blues was pouring out of me"
A hundred times I said those words
Those words others wrote
With all my voice, with all my soul
"With all the soul that I can"
The blues like I learned it
"I woke up this morning baby"
But that morning, I understood.
La peine aux longs champs de coton
J'imaginais de mon cocon
Les coups, le sang, les temps boueux
J'avais mal en fermant les yeux

The hard work in the cotton fields
I was imagining in my cocoon
The hits, the blood, the mud weather
I was hurt while closing my eyes
"His baby's far away"
J'ai des pardons, j'ai des prié?¢es
Mais l'blues c'est pas des phrases en l'air

"His baby's far away"
I have forgives, I have prayers
But the blues isn't sentences you throw in the air
"I woke up this morning baby"
Mais ce matin t'as vraiment froid
Tu comprends du fond de ta poitrine
Tous les blues sont é??rits pour toi

"I woke up this morning baby"
But this morning you're really cold
You understand deep in your chest
All the blues are written for you
"Oh, oh I feel, the blues in me
Nobody knows how I really feel
Nobody knows, nobody cares"
Les mots te bré??ent un par un comme s'ils
Comme s'ils t'appartiennent enfin
Ces blues é? aient les tiens

"Oh, oh I feel, the blues in me
Nobody knows how I really feel
Nobody knows, nobody cares"
Words are burning your one by one like if
Like if they are finally yours
Those blues were yours
De toute ma voix, toute mon é??e, "with all the soul that I can"
Le blues qu'on n'm'a jamais appris
"I woke up this morning, the blues was pouring out of me
Nobody knows, nobody sees"

With all my voice, all my soul, "with all the soul that I can"
The blues I was never taught
"I woke up this morning, the blues was pouring out of me
Nobody knows, nobody sees"

Wszelkie prawa do prezentowanych tekstów posiadają ich autorzy. Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Administrator
czytano: 329 razy

Fragment na dzis:

Marilyn Manson : Apple of Sodom

I found the center of fruit is late,
It is the center of truth today,
Cut the apple in two,
Oh, I pray it isn't true,
I found the center of fruit is late,
Is the center of truth today,
I cut the apple in two,
Oh, I pray it isn't true-
I've got something you can never eat,
I've got something you can never eat,
I've got something you can never eat,
I've got something you can never eat,
I drained my heart and burn my soul,
I trimmed the cord to stop my growth
I pra-
y to die in space,
to cover me in snow,
to cover me in snow,
cover me in snow,
I'm dying, I hope you're dying too,
cover me in snow,
I'm dying, I hope you're dying too,
I'm dying, I hope you're dying too,
I'm dying, I hope y....

www.exito.pl - teksty i słowa piosenek, song lyrics

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