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Teksty piosenek
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Wino,wina, sklep winiarski - najlepsze wina według winiarskich przewodników.


Blind Guardian - The Martyr

He was born in the past time
To take all our pain
The kingdom of heaven is near

The children of this time
Must die for his arrive
To let all the legends be true

The prophecy said they'll call king of the jews
He is born now to take all our sins
Three kings were searching for this holy child
The journey begins, he has to die

Lead: Andre

Healing the cripples and taking our pain
He came for the sinner
But what we have paid
Disciples are following
They are calling his words
Salt of the earth and light of the world

Martyr - we are following you bless us for eternity
Messiah - we are torturing you when you lose the power of your words

Jump from the temple and angel will save
Show me that you are the son of our God
Now take my land with my power you get
Rulin' the world of tomorrow
Now !

Lead: Andre

Messiah - Liar - Our burning desire
He is the king without a crown
We will set him to his throne
Give me 30 p. of silver and I'll be your man

Higher - Liar - The fallen Messiah
Let us see his agony
The things he done are blasphemy
Mob has lost their joy on toy so let us kill him fast

Now drink my blood for the new testament
This is my body you eat
One of you twelve is the one who betrays
Better that he's never born

Judas you're the chosen one
The world has damned your name
No !

Lead: Andre

Begin with a kiss at a cross it will end
The kingdom of heaven we've passed
The sky will turn black and the curtain will fall
The father is crying for his son
The tortured Messiah is finding his way
The journey has come to the end
The twelve ones are preaching the words he had left
They're changing the way of the world but die for

Solo: Marcus

Martyr - we are following you bless us for eternity
Messiah - we are torturing you when you lose the power of your words
Martyr - we are following you bless us for eternity

Wszelkie prawa do prezentowanych tekstów posiadają ich autorzy. Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Administrator
czytano: 146 razy

Fragment na dzis:

Iron Maiden : Journeyman

From the red sky of the east
To the sun set in the west
We have cheated death
And he has cheated us

But that was just a dream
And this is what it means
We are sleeping and we'll
Dream for evermore

And the fragment remains of -
our memories
And the shadows we made with our hands
Deeper grey, came to mourn
All the colours of the dawn
Will this journeyman's day, be has last

I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away
I know what I want-
, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away

But the memory still remains
All the past years no so srange
Our winter times are
Like a silent shroud

And the heartbeat of the day
Drives the mist away
And our winter's....

www.exito.pl - teksty i słowa piosenek, song lyrics

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